ABN 22 346 252 276
P.O. Box 2478,
Bakery Hill VIC 3354


against the odds publication

Against the Odds: Albert Coates - A Heroic Life

The definitive biography of Sir Albert Coates, written by Walter Gherardin, is available from the Trust.

The book costs $25.00.  This is the most comprehensive biography produced on Coates and fills a gap in our knowledge of the life and thought of Sir Albert Coates. Contact the Trust to obtain your copy of this significant new work, the most comprehensive publication on the life of Sir Albert Coates ever produced.  Order forms available from the Trust or send $AUS25.00 plus $AUS8.00 postage to Albert Coates Memorial Trust, P.O. Boc 2478, Bakery Hill, Victoria, Australia. 3354

Photo: Walter Gherardin signs his book, Against the Odds, at the Launch on the 12th November 2009.

publications alife

Glimpses of Sir Albert Coates

The Coates Trust has produced a booklet giving details of Sir Albert entitled "Glimpses of Sir Albert Coates". The booklet is supplied on request with donations of $15.00 or more.

publications anymug

Any Mug Could have done it

The University of Ballarat has published a book entitled "Any Mug Could Have Done It" which includes the first two Coates Orations and a history of the Trust. The book can be purchased for $12.00 from the Coates Trust. Strictly limited numbers left in stock.

The Coates Trust has also produced a booklet entitled 'Saluting POW's'. This is the transcript of a paper delivered at a Trust lunch by Dr. Damien Powell, Principal of Janet Clarke Hall, University of Melbourne.

This booklet is currently out of print.  Contact the Trust for further information on availability.

2022-2023 Annual Report

pdfClick here to view the Albert Coates Memorial Trust 2022-2023 Annual Report

Newsletter - The Albert Coates Memorial Trust

The Coates Trust publishes an occasional newsletter for donors and supporters.



Click Here to view the Bibliography
© Copyright 2007 - 2018 - Albert Coates - Master Surgeon, Teacher, Humanitarian
This website is presented by the Albert Coates Memorial Trust, PO Box 2478, Bakery Hill, Victoria, 3354