ABN 22 346 252 276
P.O. Box 2478,
Bakery Hill VIC 3354


The Albert Coates Memorial Trust raises funds to sponsor a number of annual student scholarships at tertiary level and four prizes at Sir Albert's old primary school in Ballarat. An important criterion for the Awards is a demonstrated ability to achieve academically whilst over-coming challenging circumstances. The Trust particularly offers scholarships to assist the advancement of training for regionally based nurses, doctors and rural health workers.

The 2024/25 round of the Coates Trust Scholarship program is confirmed. Please refer to the guidelines for each scholarship as to when to apply and the conditions for each scholarship. Applications are usually made through the participating university courses or as specified in the notes for each scholarship.

Below is a list of all the student scholarships, with names of previous recipients and information on how to apply.


 * Department of Health, Victoria: Rural Emergency Nursing Scholarships

2025 Health Region - Barwon South West Region (Geelong and South Western Victoria) is the location for the next round of scholarships in Victoria. Guidelines and application forms are now available. Applications close on 30 September 2024.

In 2009 the Albert Coates Trust introduced a new range of scholarships offered specifically for the post-graduate trainingg g of rural  emergency care nurses. The scholarships are designed to meet the course fee costs involved in the selected training program.

Scholarships are offered in three key areas for current Registered Nurses - Courses leading to Nurse Practitioner qualifications; undertaking an approved RIPERN (Regional & Isolated Practice Endorsed Registered Nurse) Program; and courses in Critical Care Nursing. Contact the Department of Health contact person listed below with questions about the eligibility of particular training courses.

Applications and Selection Process

Scholarships are invited from eligible registered nurses each year. Candidates must be employed in a regional health care service within the nominated region. The scholarships are for studies being undertaken between January and December, 2025. The 2025 region is being conducted in the Barwon Health Region, with applications being accepted from July to September 2024. Interviews are conducted in November and applicants notified in December.

Scholarships are presented each year at the discretion of the independant selection panel on the basis of applications received and an interview. Interviews for the region selected will be conducted online in early November and award recipients normally advised in November/December. Shortlisted candidates for interview will be advised in late October/early November.

For further information about the rural emergency nursing scholarships please contact either the responsible officer at the Department of Health (Jenny Burgess) or the Coates Trust Coordinator of the nursing scholarship program (Gwenda McManus). Guidelines and application forms available from Monday, 8 July 2024. Contact details are listed below.

To obtain a copy of the guidelines and application form the 2025 Program contact person is the same as last year being Jenny Burgess, Program Advisor, Department of Health, Grampians Region on
0459 878 276 or email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Jenny is based in Ballarat and is coordinating the applications for the Barwon South West region.
Closing date for Applications is Monday, 30 September, 2024.

The Coates Trust's Coordinator of the Nursing Scholarships, Gwenda McManus, can be emailed at at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..   

For general enquiries, questions or concerns you can also contact the Albert Coates Memorial Trust via the website email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or by letter to The Secretary, Albert Coates Memorial Trust, P. O. Box 2478, Bakery Hill, Victoria, 3354.  

Awardees for Rural Emergency Nursing, including Nurse Practitioner, RIPERN and Critical Care courses

2024          - Asha James

2023          -  Gurjit Kaur Sangha
                 -  William Wallace
                 -  Stephanie Vick      

2022         - No Scholarship applications received.

2021         - Jeenmariam Lal

2020         - Bambi Reichman
                - Melissa Gardner
                - Elise Wright

2019         - Deborah Bennett
                - Elizabeth Lawrence
                - Kerryn Osborne

2018         - Jessica Noordewier

2017         - Amy Aeschlimann
                - Vanessa Jenkins

2016         - Alison Noble
                - Kellie Woodhouse
                - Michelle Holland
                - Ken Holland
                - Nicole Magnisalis
                - Susan White
                - Lynne Coates
                - Emma-Jane Lush

2015         - Bissy Ajithkumar
                - Katherine Pitcher
                - Sharon Bartlett
                - Rebecca Kay

2014         - Judith Thomson
                - Trish Heinrich
                - Kate Pitcher
                - Ros Thomas
2013         - Ruth Clifton
2012         - Margaret 'Jade' Beechey
                - Susan Hollingworth
                - Rachel Taylor
2011         - Debra Daniels
                - Justine Rea
                - Martin Starick
2009         - Elizabeth Newton
                - Tricia Kinsey
2008         - Breanna Barber (Wimmera Health Care Group, Horsham)
                - Carmen Grenfell (Ballarat Health Services)
                - Deborah Clancy (Rural Northwest Health, Warracknabeal)


* University of Melbourne/ Royal Australasian College of Surgeons:

Graduate Diploma in Surgical Anatomy Awarded to the outstanding graduate in the course.
The Prize is valued at $3,000.

Selection Process:

This scholarship is open to enrolled students in the Graduate Dilpoma in Surgical Anatomy.  The awardee is selected by the course administrators on the basis of academic results  achieved during the course.  No formal application for this scholarship is required.  All candidates completing the course are eligible.


2023 - Dr Amy Sylivris
2022 - Dr Arthur Ashton
2021 - Dr Matthew Dunn
        - Dr Mohammed Umar
2020 - Dr Alex Chua
        - Dr Deepika Gunda
        - Dr Wesley Teoh
2019 - Dr Wen-Shen Lee
2018 - Dr Sam Digby
2017 - Dr Roland Shannon
2016 - Dr Aaaron Stanes
2015 - Dr Brian Chee
2014 - Dr Anton Musiienko
2013 - Dr Margaret Pilling
2012 - Dr James Walcott
2011 - Dr Anthony Dinh Ta
2010 - Dr Chun Hin Angus Lee
2009 - Dr Justin O'Brian
2008 - Dr Michael Kok-Yee Hong
2007 - Dr. Alenka Paddle
2006 - Dr Glen Guerra
2005 - Dr Carley Vuillerman
2004 - Dr Raoul Mayer
2003 - Dr Christina Foley
2002 - Dr Raymond Kin Tong
2001 - Dr Francesco Gaillard

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Official party at the 2011 RACS Graduation Ceremony for the Graduate Diploma in Surgical Anatomy Dr Anthony Dinh Ta, Coates prize winner,  addresses the 2011 RACS Graduation Ceremony
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Coates Trust Secretary with Dr Anthony Dinh Ta Dr Michael Kok-Yee Hong, 2008 RACS winner, speaking at the Graduation Ceremony.
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  Dr Justin O'Brien, receiving the 2009 Coates Prize from Trust Chair Ted Lynes at the RACS Graduation Ceremony.

 * Federation University Australia : Albert Coates Scholarships

Application Process and Selection for Albert Coates Scholarships at Federation University Australia

Applications for each of the Federation University Awards are invited in the mddle of each academic year, normally closing in July. Please refer to the Federation University website for information on how to apply and a copy of the latest application guidelines and application form.  Each prize given at Federation University Australia is valued at $3,000. See the Links section of this website.

- School of Nursing (Albert Coates Prize) - $3,000


2023 -  Araura Harris
             Joanne Robertson

2022 - Zibusiso Sigidi
           Fiona Weir
2021 - Jessica Scott
2020 - Tammy-Lee Chatwin
2020 - Leanne Norrie
2019 - Emma-Jane Norman
2018 - Christine Lewis
2017 - Liza Scicluna Currie
2016 - Stacey Moll
2015 - Sandra Cahir
2014 - Scott Wearin
2013 - Tracey Hallam
2012 - Krystal Morris
2011 - Larecia Glenwright
2010 - Adrienne Ryan
2009 - Leanne Douwe
2008 - Serena Halligan
2007 - Erin McQualter
2006 - Roslyn Armstrong
2004 - Joint Winners: Leanne Dunn - Natalie Magri
2003 - Susan Tournier

- School of Visual Arts (James H Pryor Prize) - $3,000


2023 - No Award Given
2022 - Rachel Grant
2021 - Karen Zipkas
2020 - No Awardee
2019 - Ann Betts
2018 - Kirsty Tonkin
2017 - Lauren Matthews
2016 - Elisabeth May
2015 - Patricia Taylor
2014 - Minna Graham
2013 - Felizitas Wansbrough
2012 - Carleen Harmon
2011 - Kylie Lidgerwood
2010 - Joint Winners -  Alison Desmond and Frances Deutscher
2009 - Sarah Klas
2008 - Cody Joy
2007 - No Award presented
2006 - Esther Hill
2004 - Nicole McWhinney

- School of Biomedical Science (W&D Finance Prize) - $3,000


2023 - Jasmine Ladiges
2022 - No award given
2021 - Troy Naismith
2020 - Mary-Lee Fenech
2019 - Lauren Johnson
2018 - Gemma Rodgers
2017 - Liam Hanrahan
2016 - Joseph Dawson
2015 - Michelle Steicke
2014 - Deandra Tanner
2013 - Rainbow Silvertree
2012 - Ingrid Wise
2011 - Rebecca Murphy

- School of Engineering - Civil (FMP Prize) - No Longer Awarded

Inaugural Awardee:

2008 - Prajeesh Puthiyareettil
2007 - No Award presented
2006 - No Award presented
2004 - Stephen Briody

 * Federation University Australia : Albert Coates Oration

 - The Coates Oration is held each year in Ballarat at Fedration University Australia.

2023 Speaker
Professor Misty Jenkins, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute spoke on ground breaking developlments in the tretment of brain cancer.

2022 Speaker
The oration was presented by Prof. Peter Doherty, Peter Doherty Institute, Melbourne.

2021 Speaker
The Oration was not conducted in 2021 due to the coronavirus panedemic.

2020 Speaker
The Oration was not conducted in 2020 due to the coronavirus panedemic. 

2019 Speaker
Her Excellency the Honourable Linda Dessau AC, Governor of Victoria linked aspects of the life of Albert Coates to her thoughts on developments in education and the role of technology in facilitating this.

2018 Speaker
Sir Angus Houston AK, AFC (Ret'd).  Sir Angus spoke on 'Leadership Matters' linking the life of Albert Coates to key characteristics required for effective leadership.

2017 Speaker
The Hon. Tim Fischer, AC.  "One Hundred Years Ago Who Won World War One?  Arthur Currie and the CEF, John Monash and the all volunteer AIF, Munitions Minister Churchill and the new tanks, but not so much the late on parade Yanks."

2016 Speaker
Lt. General David Morrison.  Lt. General Morrison spoke on cultural change in the Australian Defence Forces - towards gender equality

2015 Speaker
Dr. Lachlan Grant - "Voices from the Past: recovering memories of POWs for The Changi Book, 70 years on"

2014 Speaker -
Lt. General Ken Gillespie - "Serving Australia: The ANZAC Legacy of Albert Coates."

2013 Speaker -
Dr Rosalind Hearder - "Coates and Co., Australian Doctors in Japanese Captivity During the Second World War."

2012 Speaker -
Lynette Silver OAM - "Beyond the Call (Australians at War in the Far East)."

2011 Speaker -
Prof. Mark Hogarth - "Medical research and 21st century biotechnology.  A triumph over adversity?"

2010 Speaker -
Prof. Bruce Waxman - "Triumphs and disasters: journeys of a Surgeon's life"

2009 Speaker -
Dr Lynn Hemmings -  "Vietnam War Nurses Oral History Project."

2008 Speaker -
Major General Steve Gower AO, Director, Australian War Memorial "Remembrance and Commemoration."

2006 Speaker -
Professor Kwong Lee Dow AM  "Contrasting education in the Time of Albert Coates with Education Today."

2004/2005 Speaker -
Professor Geoffrey Blainey AC "Australia in Peril: Pearl Harbour to the Coral Sea."

2003 Speaker  -
John E H Edwards  MMus, BA  "Ethics, Morality and Other Things."

2002 Speaker -
Professor  Robin Sharwood AM - "Finding the Way"

Inaugural Speaker  2001 -
Professor  Bruce Barraclough  FRACS - "Sir Albert Coates - A Life"

Visit the University of Ballarat website for award application and Coates Oration details. (CLICK HERE http://www.ballarat.edu.au/current-students/scholarships/albert-coates-awards)

Coates Oration Presentation Ceremonies

health nurse scholarshipNursing scholarship recipients Anna Steer, Debra Daniels and Jane Lovell with Coates Trust Chairman Ted Lynes (l) and Trust Secretary Roger Trudgeon(r), 2010.

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Prof. Bruce Waxman congratulates Debra Daniels on receiving her Emergency Nursing Scholarship, 2010


health nurse scholarship debra 03Debra Daniel, nursing scholarship recipient, addressing the Coates Oration Dinner, 2010

 * Rural Health Awards, University of Melbourne Rural Health Academic Centre

Introduced in 2010, in association with the University of Melbourne's Rural Health Academic Centre, the award provides a $2,500 prize to the top student enrolled in the rural health course.  Contact the Trust for further information.


2023 -  Anna Bayliss
           Armand Gumera
2022 - James Grant
2021 - Angelina Koh
2020 - Sarah Loria
2019 - Mark McOwan
2018 - Anne Jian
2017 - Jacqueline Nguyen Khuong
2016 - Nayan Bhindi
2015 - Ellie Bowditch
       - Brendan McCarthy
2014 - Hajar Hasan Kheslat

2013 - Matthew Payne
2012 - Jack Kane
2011 - Lachlan Brennan, Matt Morey
2010 - Anna Steer, Jane Katherine Lovell

Australian Catholic University - Aquinas Campus, Ballarat

The Albert Coates/Australian Legion of Ex-Service Men and Women Scholarship was created in 2016 to acknowledge the achievements of second year students enrolled in the Bachelor of Nursing/Bachelor of Paramedicine Courses. The scholarship is valued at $2,500 and is intended to assist with payments required for the medical internship component of third year studies.

2023 - Chloe Charnstrom
2022 - No Award Presented
2021 - Molly Davis
2020 - Jacqueline Chester
2019 - Abbey Small
2018 - Kimberley Morris-Flynn
2017 - Amber Duncan
2016 - Mark Hocking

University of Notre Dame

The Albert Coates/Australian Legion of Ex-Service Men and Women Scholarship at the University of Notre Dame was introduced in 2017 to support second year medical students completing studies in Ballarat as part of the course. The award is valued at $2,500 and is intended to support placements being undertaken at the end of second year into the third year of the course. In the first year two equal awards were presented.

2023 - Lily Davis
          Brianne Murphy
2022 - Gracie Hay
2021 - Jack Brownrigg
2020 - James Blomberg
2019 - Francis Ratnakumar
2018 - Ariah Steel
2017 - Cassandra Brown
2017 - Lizanne Siqueira

Deakin University

Launched in 2018 the Coates Trust Scholarship is presented to a third year medical student enrolled at Deakin University. The award is valued at $2,500 and is used to support the student's fourth year medical internship. Applications are made mid-year through the university.

2022-2023 - Alanah Orr
                  Thomas Anderson
2021-2022 - Matt Scott
2020-2021 - Ellie Louise Smith
                - Bevan Hirst
2019-2020 - Conor Dickson
2018-2019 - Justin Galvin

Ballarat Health Services - Leckie Family Special Care Nursing Scholarship

This new scholarship was introduced in 2021 as a result of a very generous bequest from the Leckie family which enables a five year program of scholarships in the field of special care nursing. The scholarship, valued at $10,000 per year, is for a nurse working at Ballarat Health Services in the special care nursery, looking after new born babies requiring intensive support. The funds support additional training required for nurses specialising in this field.

2022-2023 - Manja Rose
                  Belinda Howlett
                  Casey Moore
2021-2022 - Inaugural Recipient:  Deborah Parkinson

* Albert Coates Secondary College Prizes

In 2005, The Trust comenced a program to present awards to Secondary Colleges in the Ballarat area with cash prizes going to the winning students and to their college. The Inspirational Awards, as they became known recognised achievement in completing projects relevant to the objectives of the Coates Trust. The awards were discontinued in 2012.

For two students entering years 11/12:

2005 - Aura Hill,  Jessica Henneken, Mount Clear Secondary College
2006 - No Award
2007 - No Award
2008 - No Award
2009 - No Award
2010 - Bec Lister
2011 - No Award
2012 - Award Discontinued

* Rotary Club of Melbourne - Sir Albert Coates Young Achiever Award

The Young Achiever Award is made to ' a selected person within the age group of seventeen to twenty-five years who has made an outstanding achievement in pursuit of a profession and been involved directly, in a significant way, in community service activities.  It was determined in 2014 to discontinue with this award.


2014 - Award Discontinued
2013 - Tiffany Hunter
2012 - Andrew Asten
2011 - Nick Orchard
2010 - Nicholas MacKay
2009 - Hugo Batten
2008 - Tim Foster
2007 - Ali Ahmad Alamein
2006 - Elise Klein
2005 - Chris Lewin
2004 - Hugh  Evans
2003 - Zerina  Lokmi

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Nick Orchard, 2011 winner Young achiever's Award addressing the Presentation Lunch at the Rotary Club of Melbourne. Nick Orchard receiving his award from the Governor of Victoria, Prof. David de Kretser.

* Mount Pleasant Primary School - Grade Six Student Prizes

Prizes are offered to Year Six students who submit the best Coates related projects as part of their year's work. Two $300 prizes are awarded to the best project by a girl and by a boy.  Two Highly Commended prizes of $100 each are also awarded.

The two top prizes ($300 each) are donated by the Sebastopol Bowling Club and the two High Commended prizes ($100 each) are donated by Robyn and Arthur Coates (a nephew of Sir Albert).

Students are encouraged to investigate the meaning of Albert Coates' life and present their findings in the form of posters, booklets or other media.

Awarded annually since 2003, with prizes presented at each year's graduation ceremony.

Records of winners held by the Coates Trust and the school.

© Copyright 2007 - 2018 - Albert Coates - Master Surgeon, Teacher, Humanitarian
This website is presented by the Albert Coates Memorial Trust, PO Box 2478, Bakery Hill, Victoria, 3354